I can hear you say…“Is it worth it? ““Is there even a point to hoping anymore?”“Are children even in God’s plan for me?”

If that is you, let me answer you with this:

The deep desires you have within your heart are not of your own—they were not planted there by you, but by the One who created you. And He wants you to know today that what He has planted in the soft fertile soil of your heart, He will one day make grow in your arms as you rock them to sleep…which for someone else who is reading this, that is something you often dream about, but fear will never happen.

And for that person, I also say this:

Keep visualizing that day—keep dreaming of that moment—continue to have even the tiniest mustard seed of faith to believe that in due time, it will no longer be a vision you see in the distance or a dream you wish would come true, but rather your reality of a miracle staring back at you.